In order for you to be able to use the website with confidence, this page aims to describe in a transparent way which data are processed during your navigation.
Statistics of visits
We use the Google Analytics service to measure the audience of the site.
This service provides information on your approximate geographical location, the type of Internet browser and the operating system used. It keeps these data for 26 months before resetting them.
Anonymizing the IP addresses of visitors is enabled.
Requesting a quote or information via contact forms
The forms that allow you to send us a quote request or a contact message include the following fields:
- Name
- Phone number
- Company
- Email address
This information is recorded in a strictly confidential internal database.
In addition to the commercial proposals that you request from us, they allow us to communicate to you at a reasonable frequency (2 or 3 times a year), the latest news of the software that we develop, the events in which we participate and any news concerning us.
The mailing service we use is Mailchimp. You have the possibility to unsubscribe from our mailing list from a link at the bottom of each email received or by sending us a message.
We attach great importance to the privacy of our customers and people interested in our products. The conception of our website follows this line of conduct.